Crossing Vue 360 (CV360) - IoT Solution for Railway Crossing Safety

Crossing Vue 360 (CV360) is an advanced IoT-based surveillance system designed to enhance safety at railway crossings monitoring the performance of automated gates, lights, and bells. These systems warn pedestrians and motorists of approaching trains, and any failure in their operation can have fatal consequences. CV360 provides comprehensive monitoring, from the train tracks to surrounding highway traffic, using intelligent sensors and edge processing to detect issues in real-time and alert relevant authorities. The platform is a critical tool for ensuring safer crossings and preventing trespasser incidents.

Key Features

Edge Image Processor (EIP) – C++ Gateway:

  • Location: Installed inside the signal bungalow.
  • Functionality: The Edge Image Processor is the intelligent hub of the system that interprets all image data generated by the Signal Light Monitor (SLM) and Gate Light Monitor (GLM). Using a sophisticated algorithm, the EIP analyzes sensor data to detect failure conditions in real-time.
  • It serves as a bridge between cloud-based services and on-site edge devices. By interpreting the input from multiple sensors, it can set alerts and determine the appropriate response to failure scenarios, minimizing risks and ensuring quick action.

Gate Light Monitor (GLM) – Python Module:

  • Location: Mounted on the crossing gate pole.

  • Functionality: The GLM monitors the position of the gate arm while it transitions between up and down states. Once the gate is activated, the GLM detects all flashing and steady lights on the gate. It ensures that the warning lights function correctly during the gate’s transition.

  • Alerts: If a failure condition is detected, such as malfunctioning lights or an incomplete gate

    transition, alarms are generated to notify operators.

Safety Light Monitor (SLM):

    • Location: Mounted under the sun shield of signal lights.

    • Functionality: The SLM is a multi-sensor device designed to monitor the performance and integrity of signal lights. It provides an external viewer’s perspective on whether the signal lights are functioning as expected. The SLM mimics periodic inspections and ensures that signal lights are operational in real-time, reducing the need for manual checks.

    • Role: The SLM plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of the crossing by validating that the signal lights are visible and functioning properly, thus safeguarding pedestrians and vehicles.

Technology Stack

EIP (Edge Image Processor)


GLM (Gate Light Monitor)


SLM (Safety Light Monitor)

A specialized sensor-driven device designed to monitor signal lights from an external perspective.

Cloud Integration

Cloud-based Infrastructure

Crossing Vue 360 (CV360) offers a reliable and comprehensive solution for monitoring the performance of railway crossing equipment, significantly reducing the risk of failures and ensuring that warnings to pedestrians and motorists are consistently operational. By combining edge processing and cloud integration, CV360 improves safety, allows for quicker detection of malfunctions, and helps authorities take preventive measures in real time. Itns a critical tool for protecting lives at railway crossings and preventing trespassing incidents.